Desislava (DESS)

She was born on the 7th of March, 1979 in Radnevo, near Plovdiv under the zodiacal sign: Pisces.
She started practicing singing when she was at 5th grade.
At 1998 her first solo album "No problems" was released.
"I Damn you" from this album wins first prize at the "Golden Mustang" festival.
Her next album "Heads and tails" opens for her the doors to the wide audience.
The Hits from this album "Devil's magic", "Heads and tails", "Till now" have won the hearts of the fans.
Her third album was released in 2001 and again wins a total success.
The songs "Forever", "Traces of tears", "White nights" highly contribute for the beautiful sound of the album.
With every next album she has gained even more and more success.
Mystery is her fourth album, and it releases big hits "Mystery", "Two hearts", "I can", "True night".
Nowadays, DESS sings pop, but she don't forget the pop-folk.